The color royal blue has associations with royalty, thanks to its historical connection to the British throne. It dates back to the time of King George III. This makes it a popular choice for suits, bridesmaid dress and formal outfits. Royal blue dress, for instance, stands out.
Sky blue Asoebi: stepping out in style
According to color psychology, blue is associated with trustworthiness and reliability. On the other hand, blue can be associated with depression: There’s the phrase “feeling blue”, or singing “the blues”. But royal blue’s bright, vivid hue means it’s less likely to make this impression.

Other common associations for blue include peacefulness—blue is the color of the sky and the ocean, both of which are said to promote feelings of tranquility; as a result, the color blue is said to have the same effect.

In Nigeria, royal blue is quite popular. It is often one of the choice colour of fabrics used at events and ceremonies like weddings, naming ceremonies, and the likes, too many too mention.

Royal blue is particularly good as a nice colour for bridesmaid dresses due to its unique brightness and inherent beauty. It is a choice colour for Asoebi outfits worn by those attending the ceremony.

Asoebi is the Yoruba term for uniform worn by celebrants at events or ceremonies in Nigeria. The practice has grown in popularity and other countries in Africa too have adopted the idea.

Royal blue dresses like the ones in this article are indeed pretty choice of outfits to wear at grand occasions.

A classy, stylish royal blue dress may just cut it as your choice of outfit for that ceremony you plan to attend.

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