Office dress styles for ladies are particularly noted for some qualities that seem to make them different from other choice dress styles.
Some of the peculiar qualities of a classic office dress are:
- It mustn’t show cleavages. The neckline should and must be high enough to cover the chest region perfectly.
- Such a dress must be below the knee at least. It can be as low as the ankle region though.
- It can be with or without sleeves.
- It can be slightly fitted even around the butt region. Aren’t they all? I guess it’s quite difficult to ‘conceal’ the hips.
- Slits are advisable to allow easy movement in cases where the materials used aren’t stretchy.
So, those are not worthy points, but not ones carved on stone though. Some organizations may take exception to such dress specifications.
Well then here are the office dress styles for ladies.

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