Butterfly gown styles are popular among middle aged ladies. It is like boubou gowns except for little variations here and there.
The likelihood of mistaking both is often high. But one notable difference is the shape. As the name implies, the butterfly gown styles have designs that make the outfits be likened to the butterfly.

This style of fashion is available for ladies of all ages and size. It is quite popular among middle aged ladies and older ones.

This particular fashion style allows adequate room for the wearer, unlike what is the current trend in fashion where tighter clothes or dresses is the in thing.

As for the choice of materials with which to sew this, there is a wide range of fabrics to use to make a butterfly gown style. Choice or preference is the determining factor. One may settle for lace, chiffon, ankara, brocade, silk, Adire or so on.

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