Off the shoulder dress is the rave of the moment at occasions around Nigeria.
A strapless (off the shoulder) dress or top is a garment that stays put around the upper body without shoulder straps or other visible means of support. It is usually supported by an internal corset and/or brassiere, with the tightness of the bodice preventing the dress from slipping out of position. [Source: Wikipedia]
This is a popular kind of fashion style. It affords the lady chance to show off her neckline and cleavages.
The idea is to display the natural beauty of the wearer of the off-shoulder dress.
In Nigeria, it is very common to see all manner of such dresses sewn from a broad range of fabrics or materials available in the market.
For an ideal Nigerian fashionista lady such dresses are the norm.
Practically every style choices seem to have element of of off-shoulderness.
Even older women seem to have embraced this style of fashion more.
It is common to see women employ this kind of style for their Asoebi outfits.
So it is common place to see off-shoulder dresses as popular at weddings and many other social gatherings that Nigerians cutting across all cultures are known for.
Why off-shoulder dresses?
Apart from showing off the beautiful neckline or cleavages, this kind of fashion style gives ladies opportunity to get some fresh air.
Attending social gatherings that are held at usually very packed venues due to the high number attending, it is instinctive the need to get a breath of fresh air at such events.
So, it is on point to say that off-shoulder dresses have beauty and health benefits.
Though people may raise some eyebrows about the health benefits of such dresses, but I do hold strongly that that is also true.
You only need to see how ladies fan themselves at wedding receptions to share my point of view.
The controversy
Off shoulder dresses, though fashionable may be a clear image of everything indecent to many other people.
In their view, these dresses seem to leave nothing to the imagination as the ladies have simply shown it all.
Well, that may be true in a way.
But ask those who wear such dresses and they will clearly state that they wear what they are comfortable in.
‘Choice’ is the key word here.
What is good to someone, you may not be willing to touch with a long pole.
There are therefore different strokes for different folks.
This holds particularly true in fashion than any other aspect of our daily lives that I can think of.
Off the shoulder dress is worth trying out.
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